Publishers: Beatshapers
Developers: Beatshapers / Testplay
Genre: Action
Release: April 5, 2011
Also Available For:
iPhone, iPad, PC, Macintosh, Wii
This game look like a piece of shit. From a top down view, you pilot a space drone collecting pieces of Equilibrix in order to restore the balance of the universe and stop the expansion of evil G-Noids.It boasts 3D capabilities. Honestly I can't see this game winning awards.

Publishers: 2K Play
Genre: Party
Release: April 5, 2011
I another fucking kinect, wii, move game. This one only for the kinect though. I haven't played a "motion controller" game I liked other then Wii Sports and Fit. In this one you play Carnival Game like ring toss and throwing a ball at stacked milk bottles. Unlike real life, these games are probably not rigged and its possible to win them. If you have a family this might be a good game for the youngsters.

Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops (PC)
Publisher: Viva Media
Developers: Black lion Studios
Genre: First Person Shooter
Release: April 5, 2011
Also on: X Box 360
This one Might actually be good, it is hard to tell without playing a First Person Shooter. The story means alright, set in the year 2025. The main characters, Myra Lee and Aron Alvarez are operatives of a secret US military intervention unit, called the ISA. Players will be immersed into highly detailed environments in Somalia, Cuba and the city of Dubai. the world is shaken by numerous conflicts over the control of dwindling natural resources. Greedy warlords and dictators of 3rd world countries thirst for advanced weapons systems and never before have arms dealers been so profitable. I don't know sounds cool enough.

Publishers: Paradox Interactive
Genre: First Person Shooter
Release: April 5, 2011
Darkest Hour is a stand-alone Hearts of Iron II game featuring a mixture of short and in-depth campaigns set across the darkest chapters of the 20th century, from the outbreak of the Great War up to the onset of the Cold War. I know nothing about this game, at first I thought it was a mix between Risk and Command and Conquer. Then they throw First Person in there. Very curious about this one.

Publisher: Ska Studios
Developers: Mircosoft Game Studios
Genre: Side Scrolling Beat'em Up
Release: April 6, 2011
The sequel to the highly acclaimed 2009 XBLA 2D side-scrolling beat 'em up hit The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai by Ska Studios. Players assume the roles of The Dishwasher along with his stepsister Yuki in two separate solo campaigns, as they battle through legions of enemies and try to unravel the secrets of their pasts.
Well that is enough for now. See how that was a bad week a collective of 5 full games came out for consoles in the last week. Here are some honorable mentions:
NBA Elite 11 (PS3/XBox360/iPhone)
April 2, 2011
Nuclear Dawn (PC)
April 3, 2011
Hoard (PS3/PSP/PC/Mac)
April 4, 2011
Adam's Venture Episode 2: Soloman's Secret (PC)
April 7, 2011
Anomaly: Warzone Earth (PC)
April 7, 2011
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