I had a strange panic attack, a few hours ago. Have a decade ago, when I was around 18, 19 years old. I had a high anxiety problem and would make me have violent panic attacks. Tonight was different there wasn't nothing bothering me. I worked a normal day at work, and got off and smoke a joint with a friend. Shortly after, I started to feel light headed. I got a ride home and tried to lay down to rest but couldn't control my breathing. Like I would forgot to breath and found it hard to keep a good air flow. Soon I was feeling very faint and had a very high heart rate.
I thought I might be having a heart attack! I never felt this way before and I have getting very dizzy and confused. I got my dad to drive me to the hospital and it was really hard to caught my breathing and my heart felt like it is pounding out of my chest. They laid me down and took my vitals and attached some things to me. They did seemed like it was life threatening, this did calm me down quite a bit. I was still having a really hard time breathing and I was feeling like fainting. I was shaking violently, but once the Doctor came in I calmed down. I was still shaking and my breathing was still uncontrolled.
He put me on oxygen, and gave me two small white pills that dissolves on your tongue. I used to use them when my Anxiety Disorder was really bad. I have been really good for years. Anyway, after taking the pills and having oxygen I really calmed down. I was very happy to be feeling better. It's is always embarrassing leaving the hospital after a panic attack.
After all that I would like to play some games to distract my wondering mind. My friend that smoked that joint with me before my panic attack, was telling me about WWII online. It is a MMO first person shooter. I guess it is free at first to get you hook. But I do think you have to buy a member ship after the trail. By the sound of it, there is a full blown war going on. There is a winner how ever long that takes to finish the war. It sounds like it takes forever and there is a three day grace period between war. It is a PC game which is out of my element in gaming.
I am in the process of Downloading DC Universe for the PS3. I am very interested in the second MMORPG for a console. I never did play Final Fantasy XI Online but I did hear from lots of people that it is better then World of Warcraft. I am not a MMO player and this really out of my element. Another game I am downloading right now is, Call of Duty Classic. With all the COD coming out lately, it would be nice to do a post on all of them.
Well I think that is all for now, Game on kids, R.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Update 12:51AM 23/06/2011
Well, this is interesting. Google has just cut off my monetization on my AdSense account, because of Adult Content. Well golly fuck me running, do it get my first cheque? It was issued a few days ago but with the Canada Post strike and me cutting my finger off, I haven't received anything yet. I am not going to change my blog, to fit Google's standards. Fuck that noise.
I wasn't making shit off of it anyways, plus I have been working way to much to worry about it. The shitty thing is that I haven't had much time to play games. There is about four really good games I am playing right now, it is very hard to keep up with them.
Anyways I was waiting for an hour long update to finish, so I could play so Homefront. And it is finally finished, I hope to actually get to some writing soon. For now I have to try and enjoy these little moments of gaming. Peace out, O.
I wasn't making shit off of it anyways, plus I have been working way to much to worry about it. The shitty thing is that I haven't had much time to play games. There is about four really good games I am playing right now, it is very hard to keep up with them.
Anyways I was waiting for an hour long update to finish, so I could play so Homefront. And it is finally finished, I hope to actually get to some writing soon. For now I have to try and enjoy these little moments of gaming. Peace out, O.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
HomeFront First Thoughts
I was in the pawn shop the other day looking at television sets. I am in the market for two Tvs, I need a newer one with HDMI imputs and high definition. The other can just be a old projection TV, I need one for older game systems. The pawn shop in town is a huge rip off, I could of bought the same Tvs at the grocery store for just as much cash. The whole thing wasn’t a waste though, I did pick up Homefront for 25 bucks.
When I first heard about Homefront, I seen the TV commercial. It boasted better then Call of Duty online multiplayer. This is a pretty bold statement. I do have to say though, it is a very interesting and fun online experience. I has a completely different feel then Call of Duty, open of an open ground warfare.
I check out some of the story, and I am sure Korean isn’t happy about it. I is set in the future rough 50 years, America is invaded but the Koreans. I didn’t to deep in to the campaign mode. I am not very interested. The story seems cool enough, but the multiplayer is what I am worried about.
After a few games online, I still wasn’t sure about what I thought about it. It was hard, at first, I found. The larger maps and lobbies, I likes. Teamwork is very important to doing well in the game, and experience point can be spent in game for upgrades and special weapons. You can also spawn as vehicles use your experience points.
IS it better then Call of Duty? I am not sure, I like Call of Duty better still. Homefront was a whole different dynamic to it and I find it is much better for team play. I have been play with my friend and we are doing really good covering each other. Well that is all for now, I am going to rest this hand a bit. Game on kids. N.
When I first heard about Homefront, I seen the TV commercial. It boasted better then Call of Duty online multiplayer. This is a pretty bold statement. I do have to say though, it is a very interesting and fun online experience. I has a completely different feel then Call of Duty, open of an open ground warfare.
I check out some of the story, and I am sure Korean isn’t happy about it. I is set in the future rough 50 years, America is invaded but the Koreans. I didn’t to deep in to the campaign mode. I am not very interested. The story seems cool enough, but the multiplayer is what I am worried about.
After a few games online, I still wasn’t sure about what I thought about it. It was hard, at first, I found. The larger maps and lobbies, I likes. Teamwork is very important to doing well in the game, and experience point can be spent in game for upgrades and special weapons. You can also spawn as vehicles use your experience points.
IS it better then Call of Duty? I am not sure, I like Call of Duty better still. Homefront was a whole different dynamic to it and I find it is much better for team play. I have been play with my friend and we are doing really good covering each other. Well that is all for now, I am going to rest this hand a bit. Game on kids. N.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Cut my finger...
I didn't get to writing on my days off, I did play a lot of days. At least I have something to write about. Unfortunately I cut the tip of my left ring finger off at work today. So it is really hard to type. I have a huge bandage on it. I didn't cut enough off to get it glue or sewn back on, but big enough to take hours to stop bleeding. They even took a x-ray to see if I cut a piece of the bone off.
On the good side of things is that I am going to be getting paid time off work and can still play video games. So I will try to write some post out on paper in the meantime, then as soon as possible, post them online. Well I am going to go, because it is hard as fuck to type. See ya guys, when I get better.
On the good side of things is that I am going to be getting paid time off work and can still play video games. So I will try to write some post out on paper in the meantime, then as soon as possible, post them online. Well I am going to go, because it is hard as fuck to type. See ya guys, when I get better.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Will my rag ever end!
Fuck, I am one moddy son of a bitch lately. Just the littlest thing are getting to me. Maybe I am not playing enough video games. Maybe it is the fact that I have four games on the go and no time to play one of them. Right now I am playing; Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planewalkers, InFAMOUS, Call of Duty: Black Ops (DS) and now Homefront.
As I have mention before that I am going to write a full review on inFAMOUS, I would like to also write up a review for Magic the Gathering. Black Ops DS is has a short write up and I want to write down my first impressions of Homefront, so I won't tell you about it now. This is all going to be written on my days off coming up.
As collecting is going, I am surprised that it is going so well. I am getting offers left and right. Lots of Playstation one and twos, Nintendo 64s, Gamecubes and the odd Sega Dreamcast. I think the small town is a good place to look for video games. I know lots of gamers here, and some that got some good collections. I have seen a few Super Nintendos around but no one willing on selling one. In a few days I am going to buy my friends Intellivision, and that is the oldest thing I have seen around.
I am really looking for original Nintendo and Sega Master Systems. Older Nintendo systems like; NES, Super NES, Gameboys of any kind, anything before Gamecube. Pretty much the same for Sega, actually I want all Sega systems. Anything really, I want one or two of every video game product to ever come out. Guess I need to go to more garage sales.
Maybe I should quit writing and play some video games. Peace Kids. T.
As I have mention before that I am going to write a full review on inFAMOUS, I would like to also write up a review for Magic the Gathering. Black Ops DS is has a short write up and I want to write down my first impressions of Homefront, so I won't tell you about it now. This is all going to be written on my days off coming up.
As collecting is going, I am surprised that it is going so well. I am getting offers left and right. Lots of Playstation one and twos, Nintendo 64s, Gamecubes and the odd Sega Dreamcast. I think the small town is a good place to look for video games. I know lots of gamers here, and some that got some good collections. I have seen a few Super Nintendos around but no one willing on selling one. In a few days I am going to buy my friends Intellivision, and that is the oldest thing I have seen around.
I am really looking for original Nintendo and Sega Master Systems. Older Nintendo systems like; NES, Super NES, Gameboys of any kind, anything before Gamecube. Pretty much the same for Sega, actually I want all Sega systems. Anything really, I want one or two of every video game product to ever come out. Guess I need to go to more garage sales.
Maybe I should quit writing and play some video games. Peace Kids. T.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Playstation Vita
Okay, I found out some more information on the latest handheld from Sony. I was curious about the new "PSP" the geeks at Gamestop were talking about. I started fanastsizing about how fucking cool it would be to have 3G online gaming in a hand held. That would go above and beyond anything out there today. Well holy fuck my uncle! The new Playstation Vita is going to have a 3G network. I am so fucking excited about this. Fucking finally a hand held to be excited about.
I just want to say. With work and this blog, I have zero time to write in my "personal blog". I am thinking of combining the two. I am try to put in whats going on in my life in here. Just a little bit here and there. Like lately I have been feeling like I am on my rag or some shit. I am just moody as fuck. I don't think working a stressful job with no training is helping. I work 50 to 60 hour weeks, not much time for myself. Not much time to play games.
On the topic of playing some games. I am working on inFAMOUS right now and about half way through it. I beat it before, when it first came out. You can choose to be a viewed as a hero or be feared as a villian. The path of evil was the first one I chose. Now I need to try the hand of good for once. Hopefully soon there will be a full on review on the game.
OK! Back to the PS Vita, I don't know that much about it. It will be available in two models, the Wi-Fi and 3G versions. The price will be the same as the Nintendo 3DS for the Wi-Fi version and about 300 dollars american for the 3G version. As you can see from the picture above it is sort of the same shape as the Playstation Portible. There is two analog control sticks, which should be an aprovement from the controls of the PSP. One thing I am worried about it the the back of the hand held is a touch screen. It is meant for tap and slide type controls for games.
This is one thing I really didn't like about the Nintendo DS. The touch screen was more of a pain in the ass, then a help full control assesory. It was more useful for menu screens and weapon switches, then movement and aiming control. Most first person shooters for Nintendo DS where hard to control and I found that use of the D Pad and four right hand buttons as two joysticks worked the best.
I am kind sure that Sony has figured out the touch screen better then Nintendo. Just adding 3G takes it for me, I can't fucking wait to own one really. Call of Duty breaks at work, pwn noobs on the chairlift, really the limits are as wide as the network provider service. Has Wi-Fi really broke out? I remember when it first came out, I figured that have the world would be covered in free internet. It is covered by Wi-Fi but they are locked and not very stable. Some malls, coffee shops and most airports has free Wi-Fi.
I really don't know much about what games are coming out, it looks like older games like LittleBigPlanet and Wipeout are going to be available. There also footage of a new Uncharted game. The graphics don't look quite as good as a Playstation 3. A little pixelation but better then anything I have seen so far. The only bad thing I heard about the PS Vita is that 3G will only be available through AT&T. This means nothing to me because I live in Canada, my guess is that Roger's will pick up the deal with Sony. I haven't look into it much, but Sony Ericcson phones are only available through Roger's.
I can offically say that I am excited for this and might considering buying one right away. I hear a release date of holiday 2010, but that is of course wrong. I am guessing holiday 2011. In other news I am excited about a Playstation Plus free game I got today. Magic the Gathering, it is really just the card game but you can play online. Being the geek that I am, I used to play Magic the Gathering tons when I was younger. Playing the video game of it, really made me want my old decks and card collection back. I am sure I have a deck some where around here. I am going to look for them. Miss the old comic book tournaments.
Well that is all for now. I am going to start a new thing and end posts with one letter of my PSN Screen name. Game on, kids. m.
I just want to say. With work and this blog, I have zero time to write in my "personal blog". I am thinking of combining the two. I am try to put in whats going on in my life in here. Just a little bit here and there. Like lately I have been feeling like I am on my rag or some shit. I am just moody as fuck. I don't think working a stressful job with no training is helping. I work 50 to 60 hour weeks, not much time for myself. Not much time to play games.
On the topic of playing some games. I am working on inFAMOUS right now and about half way through it. I beat it before, when it first came out. You can choose to be a viewed as a hero or be feared as a villian. The path of evil was the first one I chose. Now I need to try the hand of good for once. Hopefully soon there will be a full on review on the game.
OK! Back to the PS Vita, I don't know that much about it. It will be available in two models, the Wi-Fi and 3G versions. The price will be the same as the Nintendo 3DS for the Wi-Fi version and about 300 dollars american for the 3G version. As you can see from the picture above it is sort of the same shape as the Playstation Portible. There is two analog control sticks, which should be an aprovement from the controls of the PSP. One thing I am worried about it the the back of the hand held is a touch screen. It is meant for tap and slide type controls for games.
This is one thing I really didn't like about the Nintendo DS. The touch screen was more of a pain in the ass, then a help full control assesory. It was more useful for menu screens and weapon switches, then movement and aiming control. Most first person shooters for Nintendo DS where hard to control and I found that use of the D Pad and four right hand buttons as two joysticks worked the best.
I am kind sure that Sony has figured out the touch screen better then Nintendo. Just adding 3G takes it for me, I can't fucking wait to own one really. Call of Duty breaks at work, pwn noobs on the chairlift, really the limits are as wide as the network provider service. Has Wi-Fi really broke out? I remember when it first came out, I figured that have the world would be covered in free internet. It is covered by Wi-Fi but they are locked and not very stable. Some malls, coffee shops and most airports has free Wi-Fi.
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The button symbols |
I can offically say that I am excited for this and might considering buying one right away. I hear a release date of holiday 2010, but that is of course wrong. I am guessing holiday 2011. In other news I am excited about a Playstation Plus free game I got today. Magic the Gathering, it is really just the card game but you can play online. Being the geek that I am, I used to play Magic the Gathering tons when I was younger. Playing the video game of it, really made me want my old decks and card collection back. I am sure I have a deck some where around here. I am going to look for them. Miss the old comic book tournaments.
Well that is all for now. I am going to start a new thing and end posts with one letter of my PSN Screen name. Game on, kids. m.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
New DSi
So I got a new Nintendo DSi today, my Brother "sold" it to me, for 40 bucks. I told him I couldn't afford it, but he was willing to take ten now and thirty later. Once he showed up, I gave him ten bucks. I think I need to give you a little background on my brother for this story. I love my brother very much, but at times he annoys the fuck out of me. He is kind of a mooch.
Pretty much every visit from him cost me close to a hundred dollars. The two nights he was here, he smoked ten joints with me at least worth five to ten dollars a pop with me. Ten roaches, that is close to fifty bucks, on top of food and cigarettes. These can be close to twenty to thirty dollars a day when he is around. If I need to buy a pack a day, I need to get two packs a day when my brother is around.
This time was that bad, other then the amount of weed he smoked. I was going to use that weed to trade for cigarettes. In Canada, Natives get cheaper smokes then the rest of us. I work with a native guy, and he is having a hard time finding weed after work. I told him we could trade, it cost around 40 bucks to get a tub of tobacco in the reserve, compared to a hundred dollars in the grocery store.
Well now that my brother has lessened my bag to less then forty bucks, I will most likely have to pay for the tabacco. I really didn't want to do this. None the less the Nintendo DSi was a steal, I could probably sell this for a hundred dollar plus. The system is newer and not used much. This the new Nintendo DS3D that just came out, there will be a big price drop coming up.
I remember that I bought a original Nintendo DS, a grey ugly son of a bitch. I really liked it but it didn't hold up to life and broke not long after. That is what you get, for buying a first edition. I would like to get it back and fix it up a bit. I haven't looked into was it is worth, not much I presume. I would be nice to find an original GameBoy. I know a friend with one, but they are not will to give it up.
So far collecting, has been going well. My really goal is to buy my friends intellivision, he has a go amount of games and a console in good shape. Luckily, I might make 90 to 100 buck off it. Unfortunately he wants full price for it, I can't make anything off full retail price. I am going to offer him 65 bucks for the whole thing. Once I put money in front of his face, I am sure he will take it.
Well I got to go, it is getting late and I have to work tomorrow. I think I am going to play some inFAMOUS before hitting the hay. Game on fellow gamers. Goodnight.
Pretty much every visit from him cost me close to a hundred dollars. The two nights he was here, he smoked ten joints with me at least worth five to ten dollars a pop with me. Ten roaches, that is close to fifty bucks, on top of food and cigarettes. These can be close to twenty to thirty dollars a day when he is around. If I need to buy a pack a day, I need to get two packs a day when my brother is around.
This time was that bad, other then the amount of weed he smoked. I was going to use that weed to trade for cigarettes. In Canada, Natives get cheaper smokes then the rest of us. I work with a native guy, and he is having a hard time finding weed after work. I told him we could trade, it cost around 40 bucks to get a tub of tobacco in the reserve, compared to a hundred dollars in the grocery store.
Well now that my brother has lessened my bag to less then forty bucks, I will most likely have to pay for the tabacco. I really didn't want to do this. None the less the Nintendo DSi was a steal, I could probably sell this for a hundred dollar plus. The system is newer and not used much. This the new Nintendo DS3D that just came out, there will be a big price drop coming up.
I remember that I bought a original Nintendo DS, a grey ugly son of a bitch. I really liked it but it didn't hold up to life and broke not long after. That is what you get, for buying a first edition. I would like to get it back and fix it up a bit. I haven't looked into was it is worth, not much I presume. I would be nice to find an original GameBoy. I know a friend with one, but they are not will to give it up.
So far collecting, has been going well. My really goal is to buy my friends intellivision, he has a go amount of games and a console in good shape. Luckily, I might make 90 to 100 buck off it. Unfortunately he wants full price for it, I can't make anything off full retail price. I am going to offer him 65 bucks for the whole thing. Once I put money in front of his face, I am sure he will take it.
Well I got to go, it is getting late and I have to work tomorrow. I think I am going to play some inFAMOUS before hitting the hay. Game on fellow gamers. Goodnight.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Just a little update.
I went shopping today, I wanted to price out a PSP Go. Maybe buy something new to play, but I didn’t get anything. I seen a PSP Go at the pawn shop in town for a hundred and fifty bucks. That is about fifty bucks cheaper then retail price.
My friend asked me to buy him a Playstation Dualshock 3 controller while I was in town. As I was paying, as was talk to the clerk at Gamestop about buy a PSP Go. He informed me that I should wait because there was a new PSP coming out and the PSP Go should drop a lot in price. That was good news for me, I really didn’t want to pay two hundred bucks for it. I really only want it because it supports skype. I am sure the new one does too, and I will probably want that one.
Been a collector now, I would want both and every version possible. Collecting has been fun but, not very easy. I am sure that coming with collecting anything. I would have liked to go to the pawn shop, but didn’t. I went into the city with a girl and felt like she wouldn’t like to watch me look through old video games. I did get to check out Gamestop and Wal-Mart but everything new is so expensive.
Tonight I have been testing out the Playstation 2, I bought. Lot of the games are not in good condition, and neither are the controllers. The controllers work but are not in good condition, one is taped together , the other raddles pretty good. The system on the other hand, looks new and doesn’t show signs of wear and tear. I will let you know how that goes.
My friend asked me to buy him a Playstation Dualshock 3 controller while I was in town. As I was paying, as was talk to the clerk at Gamestop about buy a PSP Go. He informed me that I should wait because there was a new PSP coming out and the PSP Go should drop a lot in price. That was good news for me, I really didn’t want to pay two hundred bucks for it. I really only want it because it supports skype. I am sure the new one does too, and I will probably want that one.
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Is this what the new PSP will look like? |
Tonight I have been testing out the Playstation 2, I bought. Lot of the games are not in good condition, and neither are the controllers. The controllers work but are not in good condition, one is taped together , the other raddles pretty good. The system on the other hand, looks new and doesn’t show signs of wear and tear. I will let you know how that goes.
Friday, June 3, 2011
I finally played Mortal Kombat last night, I was a little drunk and stoned. I think that is sometimes, the best way to try a new games. I was very impressed, lots of homage to the original three. The levels looked great, the character look okay. I wasn’t too impressed with some of the costume choice, also there was some characters missing I wish I could of seen.
Lets be truthful, I was pretty drunk, and did a lot of hot knives. I seen that the girl who lived at the place we were partying at, had a Super Nintendo. We decided to play Killer Instinct, Classic. After some turbo rounds and getting my ass handed to me. We starting comparing it to Mortal Kombat. The girl’s boyfriend said that they had Mortal Kombat, and we could play it if I could find. The only next logical step seem to be to have a shotgun race and another hot knife.
Now more inebriated, I figured I would never find the game. There was like fifty games and blu-rays flipped upside down on the floor. It sounded like they couldn’t find it in a while, plus there was a ferret and a cat wrestling on the floor on top of them. The stars must have been in line, because it was the first game I picked up.
It was surprisingly good from the start. Going back to the 2D side scroller, in my opinion was a good idea. Every character was unique and had there own style. It fighting system was cool, you fill up a meter for special attacks, will as cool as shit X ray combo. The original special attacks are there like, down, forward punch, up, down, kick, etc. The controls are a little different then I would have imagine, but easy to learn.
The best part was the fatalities. Fuck they were good. Most of them were pretty original, a few were lame. A lot of gore and brutal carnage, what more can you ask for? I didn’t get to check out anything, except two player versus, and some challenge mode. I know there is tons of stuff to do, and I have heard good things about it. There seemed to be a few unlock able characters, and playing as Kratos was pretty fucking cool.
There is no doubt about it this game is on my wish list,. I really want this game, but I am more into spending fifty bucks on entire collection of older games, then one new game or accessory. Anyways, go out and get Mortal Kombat if you are a fan of the series. I think it is one of the best one since in a long time.
Lets be truthful, I was pretty drunk, and did a lot of hot knives. I seen that the girl who lived at the place we were partying at, had a Super Nintendo. We decided to play Killer Instinct, Classic. After some turbo rounds and getting my ass handed to me. We starting comparing it to Mortal Kombat. The girl’s boyfriend said that they had Mortal Kombat, and we could play it if I could find. The only next logical step seem to be to have a shotgun race and another hot knife.
Now more inebriated, I figured I would never find the game. There was like fifty games and blu-rays flipped upside down on the floor. It sounded like they couldn’t find it in a while, plus there was a ferret and a cat wrestling on the floor on top of them. The stars must have been in line, because it was the first game I picked up.
It was surprisingly good from the start. Going back to the 2D side scroller, in my opinion was a good idea. Every character was unique and had there own style. It fighting system was cool, you fill up a meter for special attacks, will as cool as shit X ray combo. The original special attacks are there like, down, forward punch, up, down, kick, etc. The controls are a little different then I would have imagine, but easy to learn.
The best part was the fatalities. Fuck they were good. Most of them were pretty original, a few were lame. A lot of gore and brutal carnage, what more can you ask for? I didn’t get to check out anything, except two player versus, and some challenge mode. I know there is tons of stuff to do, and I have heard good things about it. There seemed to be a few unlock able characters, and playing as Kratos was pretty fucking cool.
There is no doubt about it this game is on my wish list,. I really want this game, but I am more into spending fifty bucks on entire collection of older games, then one new game or accessory. Anyways, go out and get Mortal Kombat if you are a fan of the series. I think it is one of the best one since in a long time.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
My New PS2 Games
Okay, there is a lot to go through first lets go through the racing games I got, since there is a lot of them.
Game on friends, goodbye.
- ATV Off-Road Fury 2
- Spy Hunter 2
- L.A. Rush
- Ridge Racer V
- FreakStyle
- Super Truck Racing
- Suzuki Super Bikes
- Sled Storm
- Stuntman
- Corvette
- Need for Speed: Carbon
- Gran Turismo 4
- LEGO StarWars
- LEGO StarWars
- Stitch Experiment 626
- Cars
- Chicken Little
- The Haunted Mansion
- Madagascar
- Robots
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom
- Over the Hedge
- Scooby-Doo: Night of 100 Frights
- Ratatouille
- Transformers: The Game
- Spider-Man 2
- Spider-Man 3
- Ultimate Spiderman
- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
- Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex
- Sly Cooper and the Thieves Raccoonus
- DragonBall Z: Budokai 2
- Turok: Evolution
- SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals
- SOCOM II: U.S. Navy Seals
- Medal of Honor: Frontline
- Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
Game on friends, goodbye.
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