Fuck, I am one moddy son of a bitch lately. Just the littlest thing are getting to me. Maybe I am not playing enough video games. Maybe it is the fact that I have four games on the go and no time to play one of them. Right now I am playing; Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planewalkers, InFAMOUS, Call of Duty: Black Ops (DS) and now Homefront.
As I have mention before that I am going to write a full review on inFAMOUS, I would like to also write up a review for Magic the Gathering. Black Ops DS is has a short write up and I want to write down my first impressions of Homefront, so I won't tell you about it now. This is all going to be written on my days off coming up.
As collecting is going, I am surprised that it is going so well. I am getting offers left and right. Lots of Playstation one and twos, Nintendo 64s, Gamecubes and the odd Sega Dreamcast. I think the small town is a good place to look for video games. I know lots of gamers here, and some that got some good collections. I have seen a few Super Nintendos around but no one willing on selling one. In a few days I am going to buy my friends Intellivision, and that is the oldest thing I have seen around.
I am really looking for original Nintendo and Sega Master Systems. Older Nintendo systems like; NES, Super NES, Gameboys of any kind, anything before Gamecube. Pretty much the same for Sega, actually I want all Sega systems. Anything really, I want one or two of every video game product to ever come out. Guess I need to go to more garage sales.
Maybe I should quit writing and play some video games. Peace Kids. T.
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