I downloaded the Beta for Uncharted 3 last night. It is a strange 3rd person style multiplayer. Really different from the first person gaming I am used to. Okay I play tons of 3rd person games, but not usually their multiplayer. In a 3rd person you can utilize the controls a lot better, in the terms of getting cover and climbing around.
I hope we are all familiar with the Uncharted series, and have played some of the story mode. Uncharted is a wonderful and visually pleasing game. You play as a treasure hunter who can't seem to stay out of trouble with gangs and other such villains. Hunting treasure is not easy as I thought it was because, it seems you have to be an expert free climber. This is extremely useful in multiplayer.
Using cover, is a little different since you can shoot from cliffs and on the side of a window ledge. Almost anything can be climbed on or used as cover. Aiming and shooting was a little difficult at first. I am starting to get used to it and actually winning some games now. I am writing this as I play and take turns with my brother. Sometimes it takes forever for matchmaking to get a lobby going, so it gives me time to collect my thoughts and write.
I few things I don't like are how long the matchmaking is at times and the amount of damage you need to dish out for kills. I just watched my brother shoot a player in perfectly in the face five times before he died. The controls can be kind hard and there is lots of times that you will climb up the wrong side of a wall or something.
I just experienced one of the coolest things in online gaming. In team deathmatch you play as one side trying to board a enemy occupied plane taking off on a run way. You have to leap from moving flatbed trucks to the back cargo hatch or side door of the plane. After a few minutes it takes off and the battle continues in a cargo yard. Every minute or so one team will get a peak or some sort.
There is a few different game modes. Team deathmatch which I just explained. Normal deathmatch, three team death match which consists of three, two man teams, I like it but my brother doesn't. Also a hardcore with no perks. Also there is a Co op Arena mode, which I am checking out right now. And fuck is it taking forever...
Well I played a quick game of Co op. It is an onslaught of endless bad guys and you try to kill as many as possible before dying for cash. Cash in the game is used as experience points, to level up and purchase boosters (perks). You play as a team of three and once every one in your team has died you move on to the next wave. Wave don't seem to get harder or anything. I really didn't get into it too much.
All in all multiplayer is pretty fun and isn't a complete flop thus far. I am really excited tio play the full game. If you complete challenges in the beta, unlocked things in the full game. Playstation user get a extra things, like an avatar for example, for downloading the beta. Go out and get the beta and have some fun before the game actually comes out.
Really liked this game!