Tiny Tower is a extremely pointless and ridiculously addictive management simulation game developed by Nimblebit. Tiny Tower was first released for Apple's iOS June 23, 2001 and later on Android devices November 16th. The premise of the game is to builds a skyscraper one level at a time. Inside your tower, players can choose to build residential and commercial floors and fill them with "Bitizens". Building up additional stories on top of your tower costs coins and you need to properly manage the businesses and the Bitizens working and living in your tower to gain financial success.

Yes I said "wait" back there. This is still, what I like to call, a "facebook" game. Like FarmVille, you have to wait to do pretty much anything. Unlike other games like FarmVille, Tiny Towers' wait times are a lot shorter and the tower is operational 24/7, even if your device is off. In the beginning things go along quickly but as your tower becomes bigger, things start to cost more and the wait time is longer. If you want, you have the option to buy "Tower Bux" with your credit card. I was drunk last night and bought thirty dollars worth, stupid... You can also get "Tower Bux" by random elevator rides, building another floor or doing missions. This takes forever and buying them lets you play a lot more without waiting around. The missions are a nice touch. Giving you something to strive for, but they are kind of pointless in the beginning of the game. I still have only completed one. Just don't have the right businesses for them right now.
All in all, this is a great game you can carry around and play for ten minutes, waiting for the bus or standing in line at the D.M.V. The fact that productivity never stop, even when your device is turned off, is crucial in making money for more levels on your tower. The customization is just amazing. I love the fact that I can call my Tea Shop, The Teabagger and have the Bitizen working dressed as a biker. Just as too bad I can't change his name to Mr. Slave. As mush as I hate ":facebook" type games, the wait times are bearable and there is always something to do, customize, move floors and employees around and check out "Bitbook" and stats. Tiny Tower might not be a game you sit down and play for hours. It's not perfect but it's like smoking cigarettes, it fills the little voids in our daily, mundane lives.
And for that,
I give it a Tiny Eight out of Ten.
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