Thursday, June 9, 2011

New DSi

So I got a new Nintendo DSi today, my Brother "sold" it to me, for 40 bucks. I told him I couldn't afford it, but he was willing to take ten now and thirty later. Once he showed up, I gave him ten bucks. I think I need to give you a little background on my brother for this story. I love my brother very much, but at times he annoys the fuck out of me. He is kind of a mooch.

Pretty much every visit from him cost me close to a hundred dollars. The two nights he was here, he smoked ten joints with me at least worth five to ten dollars a pop with me. Ten roaches, that is close to fifty bucks, on top of food and cigarettes. These can be close to twenty to thirty dollars a day when he is around. If I need to buy a pack a day, I need to get two packs a day when my brother is around.

This time was that bad, other then the amount of weed he smoked. I was going to use that weed to trade for cigarettes. In Canada, Natives get cheaper smokes then the rest of us. I work with a native guy, and he is having a hard time finding weed after work. I told him we could trade, it cost around 40 bucks to get a tub of tobacco in the reserve, compared to a hundred dollars in the grocery store.

Well now that my brother has lessened my bag to less then forty bucks, I will most likely have to pay for the tabacco. I really didn't want to do this. None the less the Nintendo DSi was a steal, I could probably sell this for a hundred dollar plus. The system is newer and not used much. This the new Nintendo DS3D that just came out, there will be a big price drop coming up.

I remember that I bought a original Nintendo DS, a grey ugly son of a bitch. I really liked it but it didn't hold up to life and broke not long after. That is what you get, for buying a first edition. I would like to get it back and fix it up a bit. I haven't looked into was it is worth, not much I presume. I would be nice to find an original GameBoy. I know a friend with one, but they are not will to give it up.
So far collecting, has been going well. My really goal is to buy my friends intellivision, he has a go amount of games and a console in good shape. Luckily, I might make 90 to 100 buck off it. Unfortunately he wants full price for it, I can't make anything off full retail price. I am going to offer him 65 bucks for the whole thing. Once I put money in front of his face, I am sure he will take it.

Well I got to go, it is getting late and I have to work tomorrow. I think I am going to play some inFAMOUS before hitting the hay. Game on fellow gamers. Goodnight. 


  1. Your brother is a fucking weed machine. There is no limit or cut off for him. I'm sure he'd straight line it and just run off an IV all day if he had the option. And $40 for the dsi? Fucking rediculous. And I'm sure that money is going straight to more pot.

  2. Yeah I know he is like a junkie on smack.
