Saturday, April 23, 2011


Okay, I am not much of a PC gamer, but it so happens to be that one of my favorite game originated on the PC. Doom, I love Doom in any form. Right now I am trying to figure out to run Skulltag or ZDOOM, I can play single player and every other mode except multiplayer. And whats the point of Doom without multiplayer? I got the iwads and the servers, just can't figure out how to get multiplayer going. I can even get the doomseeker application going. I have look around on the internet and everywhere is saying as long as the iwad of doom or doom 2 is in the same file as skulltag is should work.

It was enough trouble getting my sony dualschock 3 controller to work for it, single is still fun enough to play around on. That was almost a full day project, pretty simple thought. Just download a driver mod and install in your driver list. Getting to your driver list was a challenge for sure. I am not computer whiz, but you have to get you computer to run in test mode to enable driver changes. Don't ask me how I managed that one, I just watched some youtube videos like any other thing I need to do on the computer.

I watched a couple videos on youtube for the Skulltag doom server, but it was what everyone else was telling me just make sure the iwads are in the same folder. I only think I can think of now is to delete the skulltag and wads and redownload them. Maybe if I start from scratch it will work out better. If anyone has any idea how to fix this let me know.

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